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3-27-13 Minutes
Salem Beautification Committee
Meeting March 27, 3013

Present: Chairperson, Barbara Swartz , Sam Fiori, Lisa Lyons, Sandra Power, Barbara Sirios,, Ellen Talkowsky, Judith Wolfe    Absent:  Mary Ellen Halliwell, Marcia Lambert, Beverly Moustakis, Maryanne Anne Piechocki   Visitor Guest: City Councilor, William Legault

Meeting was called to order at 7:37 P.M.
Review of the Minutes of the meeting held January 22, 2013.   Paragraph 2 was amended to note that “Clean Sweeps” is scheduled for Saturday, May 4, 2013.  Paragraph 3 was amended to say that Traffic Island income usually amounts to $3,000,00 per year which covers the cost of expenses generated by the project.  A motion to amend was seconded and passed.

  • Annual Report – The draft Annual Report had been distributed.  Ellen called attention to some the fact that the roses on the “Veteran’s Island are pink rather than red.  Mary Ellen had submitted a report on the “Lady of Salem” project which was attached to the draft.  It was noted that Sandi had added the names of contributors and winners to the Traffic Island and “Window Box” competition report.  A motion to adopt the corrected report was offered, seconded and approved.
  • Letter to Councilors update – Barbara Swartz had drafted a letter which was sent to the City Counselors summarizing what the Committee does and asking for suggestions.  No responses had been received.  Councilor Legault noted that there had been discussions and that the Mack Park group was working on suggestions.  Councilor Legault offered to start a discussion on his Face Book page.  He also noted that others were considering  suggestions.
  • May 4th “Clean Sweeps”  - Ellen noted that  City Councilor William Legault, on behalf of city  activists,  Aaron Katz and Callie Lipton, had approached her about creating a “Clean Sweeps” type activity involving kids from the Plummer Home, On Point program plus the Salem Boys and Girls Club  based at Leslies Retreat  on the fourth.  The event would include cleanup activities, food and music.  They would need to have power available at the Gazebo.    Councilor Legault  was very familiar with the proposed project and what would need to be done to create and stage the event at the “Retreat.”  The youth involvement in the proposal was enthusiastically received. The discussion soon became centered on locating the entire Committee “Clean Sweeps” event plus the Recycling Committee’s   “Clean  Salem Green Salem” event  plus any other  events held jointly on the same day at the “Retreat” location.  The Committee  favored  changing the base location for the event to Leslies Retreat pending agreement by Salem Recycles .   Next the annual “Clean Sweeps” preparatory tasks were reviewed.  It was decided that the Committee will be responsible for cleaning the Pedestrian Mall, Ellen will send out letters to all the schools and to other organizations regarding the event, the task of providing electricity to the Gazebo will be addressed, the Committee will be responsible for supplies  including gloves and bags, plus efforts will be made to see that that the Committee is clearly credited for its supervision of this project.  A follow-up meeting with Councilor Legault, Aaron Katz, Callie Lipton, Barbara and Ellen will be held.
  • Traffic Islands – Sandi is preparing a letter together with an MOV to previous project participants.  She is considering asking them what worked and what didn’t?  Ellen was asked to review the letter.  The goal is to send the letter  out in April.  The project is to be reviewed at the next meeting.  Ellen showed the Committee a map that pictured all of the islands now in use.
  • Sales – TEE shirts and Aprons – Sandi has the graphics as does Gorilla Graphics .  She will follow up with cost of printing with Gorilla Printing.  Discussion was tabled  until the next meeting.
  • Plant Sale – May 18th –   The Committee will need to contact Flowers by Darlene to assess supplying flowers for the event.   Sandi will make the contact.  The event is scheduled for one day from 9:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M.   The availability of indoor plants was discussed.    It was noted that Salem Sound and the Living Green Fair will again hold their Fair at the Old Town Hall.   Citing the Plant Sale in the vicinity of the Fair was discussed.   However, it was agreed  by all to hold the event at the Salem Common.
  • Other – The issue the Committee is having in meeting the “quorum” rule was discussed.  The rigidity of the City’s rules were noted.  A solution was not reached.   The appointment terms of some members of the Committee are expiring.  Ellen asked all if they wish to be reappointed.  Responses were noted.  A brief, incomplete discussion was had on changing the size of the  Committee.
A motion to adjourn was proposed and allowed.  Meeting   adjourned at 10:02 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
Judith Wolfe

Next Meeting:  April 23, 2013 at 7:30,

Chairperson:  Barbara Swartz